Monday, January 28, 2013

Minutes from Monday Jan 28th meeting

From Kathryn:
Present:  Weasel, Coleman, Sonny, Bev, James, Kasha, Jim Brown, Susan and Kathryn (taking notes and trying to facilitate)
Susan announced that Feb 16 in the 10th anniversary of the "day the world marched" against the war in Iraq. 
Jim announced that there will be a major march in Washington on Feb 17 to protest the Tar Sands project.  There will be buses going from Asheville and they will cost $80 for adults and $51 for students.  Susan recommended that we offer scholarships which led to a half hour conversation about whether to spend our money this way.  There were suggestions of figuring out how to use our money to support local projects instead.  Finally, there was agreement that 5 scholarships of $20 each will be offered to be disbursed by Susan and Jim if the next Monday evening meeting agrees.
Coleman announced that Ms. Zevon is coming to town tomorrow and will be filming interviews with Occupy folk at 3pm at City County Plaza and 4:30 at the Vance Monument along with the VFP Vigil.  Everyone is invited to participate.  If you know of other Occupiers who might be interested in being interviewed in other cities, please contact Coleman.
The suggested agenda for GA:  Feb 17 action in Washington; forming an Action Planning Group; reminding people of the foreclosure focus; discussing the vision.
Kathryn read the revised statement re: foreclosures.  Coleman suggested that we should link up with the NC Coalition against Corporate Power which has been working on this issue.  He also thought we should have a coordinated media campaign including announcements in churches, PSAs, etc.  Kasha suggested that we add a sentence recognizing the pain and humiliation of people experiencing foreclosure.  Bev has tried to contact a lawyer.  It was suggested that we look at the documents in the courthouse and see what lawyers have been working with the people who are being foreclosed on.  Kasha suggested that a working group be formed to address the foreclosure issue separate from the Monday night meetings as these meetings should be available to address other issues.  Sonny suggested that we prepare questions to ask prospective people to support and have criteria to choose whom to support.
Coleman shared that some Occupy groups have obtained FOIA documents indicating that there was undercover surveillance of Occupy last year and perhaps Occupy Asheville should request information about what was done here.
James reviewed his updated Vision statement and the group expressed their approval and appreciation.  He will bring it up again as part of the GA on Saturday.  Coleman recommended some revisions, particularly re: the impact of this nation on the Native Americans who were here originally.
Susan mentioned the Blog.  Kasha offered information on the NVC course she has been taking on-line and suggested that we should learn more about this way of communicating.

1 comment:

  1. Hello: Regarding today's GA. It is supposed to be partly cloudy and in the low 40's so the weather could definitely be worse, but I wondered if it would make sense for me to call Wall St Cafe to see if we could use it as a bad weather back up for the GA today?

