Thursday, December 20, 2012

Occupy Asheville Weekly Meeting 12-17-12

There were four of us at this meeting, including a newcomer to town.  Finance committee reported that we got $100 back as a refund from bail bond.  The “We Pay” account on the website has some money in it, but John and Lindsey are not sure how to access these funds. 

We discussed the blog in two respects.  Everyone at this meeting felt that articles and notes about anything other than Occupy Asheville should not go on the blog, but should instead be posted to the Facebook group.  We also discussed the working groups listed in the side bar.  As far as we know, the Socialists group and the Social Justice Caucus are not meeting at this time.  The finance committee still exists, but does not have a set day and time for public meetings.  We also discussed the webpage, which is rather out of date.  Susan will ask Megan to update the webpage and fix the following:  Asheville City Council meetings are on the wrong dates in January; Meet-Talk-Act group, Socialist group, Social Justice group and Anarchist Film group is no longer meeting at all; there are meetings listed for the Occupy Asheville Monday meetings on 12-24-12 and 12-31-12 (we have already decided not to meet on those days); and the wrong time is listed for the General Assembly on 1-5-13.  The events on 1-20-13 and 1-21-13 are not on the calendar.

John talked about the Asheville Homeless Network and Susan updated us on the Veterans for Peace group. There was some discussion on working on gun control issues. John felt that Occupy Asheville and the Occupy movement could lead on this issue. The rest of us felt that we should support other local and national initiatives in this area.  We also briefly discussed foreclosure issues.  Recently, people in Occupy Asheville have said that they want to work on this issue, but we have not heard anything recently.  Susan and Lindsay said that they did not feel inspired to work on foreclosures. 

We also discussed the money that we have in Occupy Asheville and felt that we should give away some money.  We discussed giving some to BeLoved House or other groups helping the homeless in our area.  No decision was made on this, and we will discuss it further at the General Assembly in January. We felt a decision should be made by a larger group.

There are two events in January – a potluck/party/fundraiser at Rosetta’s Kitchen on 1-20-13 for Occupy Asheville and our lawyer and the MLK rally and march on 1-21-13.  Occupy Asheville will participate in the march.

No more Occupy Asheville meetings for December 2012.

Happy Holidays!!

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