Sunday, December 2, 2012

General Assembly 12.1.12

Some of the group pictured above.

Some photos of SantaCon.

General Assembly Notes 12.1.12

The first item on our agenda was a report back on the meeting at the MSD about Asheville’s water system by TJ.  The meeting was from the planning committee of MSD, and they discussed the merger with Asheville Water and MSD and passed a resolution to pass the planning report to the full MSD board.  There was no public comment at the meeting, although some elected officials were allowed to make comments.  TJ said it was basically a ‘dog and pony show’.  The meeting with the full MSD board will be on December 12, 2012 at 2 PM at the MSD building in Woodfin on the French Broad River.  There will be public comments allowed at this meeting.  TJ said that some organizers felt that the issue would go to a lawsuit. It was clear from this meeting that there are plans for further mergers after this one with Asheville water goes through.  There was no projection of further costs.  The watershed areas would remain under the Asheville government, but the reservoir and the buildings and structures would go to MSD.  The planning committee also said that they would be opposed to privatization of the water.

Next we had committee report backs.  Asheville Homeless Network (AHN) is working on stopping criminalization of the homeless (for example, panhandling) and other issues.  Homeward Bound places people in homes, and Beloved House shares their home with those without a home.  They are suggesting a Bill of Rights for the homeless (Rhode Island has this, so no laws against homeless there).  AHN does not think a separate Bill of Rights is needed.  AHN is also concerned about Code Purple.  AHN thinks the cut off frequency is too low (currently at 32 degrees) and want to see this changed.  AHN meets on Thursdays.  John said that about 14 people took part in the last Friday of the month Homeless March.  There are a number of organizations behind this march, so it is not strictly a AHN event.  This march happens on the last Friday of the month, and they meet at 2 PM at Pritchard Park. 

Veterans for Peace will hold a meeting this upcoming Thursday at 6:30 at the Phil Mechanic Studio and they still hold a vigil every Tuesday at 4:30 PM.

The next agenda item was a question on whether the Coordinating Council meeting is still called the Coordinating Council meeting and the issue of changing the structure of the Coordinating Council since number of working groups has gone down significantly.  We also had the agenda item of coming together around two or three issues for Occupy Asheville to work on.  That was when SantaCon showed up and we decided to adjourn the meeting.

Next Coordinating Council meeting is on December 10 and December 17 at 6:30 PM at First Congregational Church of Christ.  There is no meeting on December 3.  All are welcome to attend and participate.

Other upcoming events are a potluck/fundraiser/party for Ben Scales at Rosetta’s on January 20, 2013 and the Martin Luther King parade on January 21, 2013.  More details to come on those events. 

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