Occupy Asheville General Assembly
November 3 2012
Kathryn facilitated; Jonathan took
Read General Agreements.
Move Your Money ReCap: We appreciated
all the folks that followed through on tasks discussed at the last GA
in order to make the event today happen. Particularly Kathryn wanted
to thank Self Help Credit Union for showing up. Jonathan expressed
interest in learning more about some of the institutional Move Your
Money campaigns that Steve is involved in. Tom noted that State
Unemployment Insurance gets routed through Wells Fargo. Meggen
mentioned that folks with Occupy Hendersonville have continued to do
leafleting in front of banks, she asked if folks were willing to try
to do this on more of a monthly basis.
Dinner for Ben Scales: Steve has been
in contact with Rosseta about a dinner honoring Ben Scales. She is
willing to host a dinner at the restaurant. Steve was looking at
January. Steve will be in touch with Rosetta who would like to work
with a small group to plan the dinner. This group could also talk
about whether the dinner itself is a fundraiser. We discussed when
to give Ben the money that we already agreed to give him. We agreed
that once a date has been set for the dinner we could send him an
invitation with the money order for the money we already allocated to
him. Contact Lindsey if your interested in working on this.
Occupy Sandy Relief. Lindsey said
there is a formal Occupy Sandy effort going on in the New York area
plus Amy and someone out of New Orleans are headed up to NYC with
relief supplies. They’ll be leaving Asheville on Monday and are
accepting relief supplies to take up. We discussed who /where was
the most appropriate place to make donations. Mark brought up
whether it made more sense to give money to an organization like the
Red Cross. Others felt excited about supporting efforts related to
OWS. We felt like this is an opportunity to support a different form
of direct action that is related to OWS and that it is kind of
exciting to support an occupy related effort that is trying to apply
some of what folks learned through the encampments, general
assemblies etc up there to Sandy relief. It was asked if we even had
the ability to give through a pay pal account at this point. Also we
wondered if Kasha or James had heard about Sandy relief through
interoccupy. We discussed splitting a donation between giving some
funds to Amy for the trip up and donating some money to an OWS
affiliated effort. Kathryn also raised the question of whether or
not this kind of decision could/should be made at GA.
Proposal: Given that we recently
received more than 100 from Elders for a Just Society for direct
support (originally intended for the encampment), and we no longer
have an encampment to support that we give $50 to local folks (Amy)
going up to NYC and $100 to an OWS affiliated effort that can be
determined at the Occupy Weekly meeting, after any input from Kasha
and James re: what is being said on interOccupy. We came to
consensus on this proposal.
Walmart: Organization United for
Respect (OUR) Walmart has been coordinating small groups of striking
Walmart workers across the country. They are calling for a national
day of action on Friday the 23rd of November. We take
part in an informational picket at the Hendersonville Rd Walmart at
2pm on the 23rd. Jonathan will contact some of the folks
organizing at Sitel and just touch base with them, as Sitel is
located w/n the same shopping center as Walmart. Because we know
were only allowed on the right of way along the road, we’ll need to
have signs so that people can see us driving in.
Decision Making: The Coordinating
Council in recognition that it is not really able to operate as
originally conceived, i.e. a body of delegates from entities w/n
Occupy Asheville, has decided continue meeting once a week on Monday
evenings but now aw “Weekly Occupy.” This meeting is open to all
and everyone has a voice (so decision making is not limited to
delegates from Occupy Asheville working groups, affinity groups, and
caucuses.) The Weekly Occupy group would like to continue to be a
decision making body for Occupy Asheville and thinks it would be an
important to have a week between when a proposal is made and when it
is consensed upon, so that other folks in OA will have a chance to
weigh in and even show up at the Weekly Occupy meeting. Jonathan
expressed a concern that the Coordinating Council was originally
agreed to by a series of OA General Assemblies and that the power to
dissolve the CC rested with the GA and upon dissolution of the CC the
assumption was that the GA would become the decision making body for
OA. He suggested there was no reason we couldn’t decide that
there would be a weekly GA on a Monday and the Weekly Occupy meeting
could be a GA. Kathryn explained that there was some concern that an
indoor weekly meeting doesn’t have the same “feel” as an
outdoor assembly, and so maybe it would not be appropriate to call it
a GA. Mark suggested that maybe what we are looking for is one
decision making process that could be utilized by two bodies which
are horizontal not in hierarchy over each other. Jon expressed his
strong feeling that there is value in folks coming together once a
week. Kathryn said she really finds it valuable to have a decision
making body meeting away from the distractions that come with an
outdoor assembly. Jonathan proposed the following as a working
The Weekly Occupy meeting and the
monthly OA General Assembly would both have the power to make
decisions as Occupy Asheville, each decision would need to be
proposed* at one meeting or assembly and then consensed upon at a
second meeting or assembly. This would mean for example that a
proposal could be made at a Weekly Occupy meeting one Monday and then
be agreed to at the next Monday Weekly Occupy meeting OR a proposal
could be made at a Weekly Occupy meeting and then consensed upon at a
monthly GA OR a proposal could be made at a GA and then agreed to at
the following Monday Weekly Occupy meeting.
The group agreed to this as a working
process. Jonathan then proposed that the above proposal be formally
brought before the December GA, for approval as the new decision
making process for OA.
Occupy National Gathering Visioning:
After the Occupy Caravan and National Gathering in Philadelphia,
visioning done at the National Gathering was narrowed down to 21
points. At the last CC meeting James brought the 21 points for
consideration by Occupy Asheville. There were a few concerns about
how to move forward with considering these 21 points. One concern
was that we went through our own visioning process and that should
not be forgotten or abandoned. Another was that we need to have a
clear understanding of the difference between visions and goals.
Mark, Tom, and Kathryn pointed out that we were at the point of
developing action plans and goals for the visioning that OA had
started. It was pointed out that a goal needs to have actions
leading to it, as opposed to a vision or aspiration, which might be
an idea without actions leading to it. Also there was concern that
just presenting the 21 visions without first allowing OA participants
to digest the information makes it hard for people to have an
informed conversation and that dealing with all 21 visions at once
may be overwhelming. Meggen is working on putting the list of 21
visions up on the OA blog in a way that makes it clear that these are
visions from the National Gathering, not necessarily visions that OA
has adopted, but visions that we are interested in thinking about and
discussing. We also talked about our interest in hearing about the
visions that came out of the National Gathering. Jonathan made the
following proposal:
With the understanding that OA is
midway through a visioning process and that learning about and
discussing the 21 visions that came out of the National Gathering
does not come with the assumption that we will make a particular
decision to adopt them, OA should take about 20 minutes at each of
the next several meetings and General Assemblies to hear about and
discuss two or three of these visions at a time.
The group agreed to this proposal for
moving forward to responding to the 21 points that came out of the
National Gathering visioning process.
The Asheville Homeless Network is
opening an office room #4 at the Downtown Market on S. French Broad.
Sonny announced that there will be a
performance at UNCA on November 7th at 7:30 remembering
the 1912 Lawrence textile “bread and roses” strike. Free for
UNCA folks $10 for everyone else.
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