From James:
Below are a couple of documents relevant to the working of the National Gathering in Philadelphia last summer.
The National Gathering produced a long list of vision statements, some of which may be of little interest-- either to those of us in Asheville or in the country at large. But we might want to use the documents as raw material for an Asheville vision.
Subsequent to the Philadelphia meeting, some people continued to work on the list, grouping items that seemed to belong together into categories--proscribing war, a health plan for all, etc.
None of these categories or items are carved in stone.
The matter of a vision is to be considered at a future Coordinating Council meeting.. All are welcome to come and share their ideas.
James Latimore 252 1967
Work in progress, NG-Visioning Group S15 S17 Anniversary Weekend 201 NG-Visioning Group S15ñS17 Anniversary Weekend 2012
When the powers and practices of the prevailing society fail to support our fulfillment as equal participants in life, We, the People, need to proclaim our shared vision of the world yet to be and reaffirm the values that inform us.
We affirm the inherent worth, dignity, and potential of all existence and our profound connection to the web of all existence of which we are a part. Therefore we are guided by a vision that includes a world where the water, air and food are clean, so that both our planet and its people may be healthy.
Free education for all, so that information can be shared and used to benefit and enrich our society.
A world without war, so that people of every culture and nation may be free to develop and learn from one another without the distortion and exclusion that results from seeing one another as enemies.
A sustainable human society, where people are respected, valued, encouraged, and recognized as our first priority.
A culture of direct democracy and universal participation, where political and social decisions are made in a transparent manner for the common good.
Free universal physical and psychological healthcare, so that all people may be able to use their abilities and enjoy their lives as fully as possible.
Economic equality, so that all people may have the opportunity to have sufficient material resources for their needs, free from exploitation by others.
Freedom, so that all people may be empowered and included in the future we envision.
We recognize that each person is endowed with a unique perspective and potential that adds to the sum total of our world, and that by working together we achieve our vision.
We invite all to join us, contribute to it, and participate in it as we and it change and grow.
Since OWS began one year ago, many individual Occupy groups around the country have developed various statements or declarations of goals, issues, and actions. Some Occupys developed vision statements.
Recognizing the importance of an overall vision to the Occupy movement, the organizers of Occupy's National Gathering in Philadelphia PA in July 2012 included a visioning process. Three days of teach ins, workshops, and speak outs on many topics vital to Occupy led up to Independence Day, when about 250 persons at NatGat participated in a group vision exercise that resulted in a 7-page list of vision elements.
Subsequent to NatGat, those interested in vision follow-up formed a work group. This group hasdeveloped the draft material being shared this anniversary weekend in hopes of engaging morepersons in developing an Occupy Vision, obtaining valuable feedback, and moving forward towards a draft Vision Statement that can be shared broadly for Occupy consideration.
We welcome you to join the Occupy visioning experiment!
derived from the Visioning Activities at the OCCUPY NATIONAL GATHERING Philadelphia, PA ñ July 2012
Work in progress, NG-Visioning Group S15ñS17 Anniversary Weekend 2012 NG-Visioning Group S15ñS17 Anniversary Weekend 2012
Illustrative Vision Categories that were derivedfrom the NatGat Visioning List, with number ofNatGat mentions in brackets, followed by otherbroader categories, including those based on theMetacenter work.
For the complete list, see the NatGat Vision HubWiki,
[106] Local food production, community gardens,
permaculture agriculture;
[28] access to real nourishing, nonchemical, non-
GMO food; food supply that is humane & natural;
[25] environmental justice;
[20] environmental awareness and respect;
[9] healthier diets and lifestyles;
[8] affordable, healthy food;
[8] clean water as a right;
[8] end hunger;
[7] connection to earth.
[13] all airwaves public;
[10] end to intellectual property, such that thereis free & open sharing of information
[9] free & open communications;
[9] real education, free & equal, democratized;
[8] universal access to data.
[158] NO WAR:
[39] peace, nonviolence, no war/death machines;
no military; no need for violent conflict or guns;
[17] no global us vs them;
[12] nonviolence;
[10] friendship, rather than strangership, as thedefault relationship among people;
[9] mutual respect between cultures or tradingnations;
[8] nonviolent interpersonal and internationalconflict resolution;
[6] world peace.
[93] a world where basic needs are met;
[72] all cultures respected equally;
[67] people feel empowered, free, & unafraid;
[61] a strong sense of community;
[60] safety for everyone from domestic violence& fear;
[53] all human life valued equally;
all human life valued equally;all human life valued equally;
[42] all decisions considered for seven generations in the future;
[37] more humanity, compassion, kindness, selflessness;
[31] . . . mutually beneficial relationship betweenhumans, the earth, and its inhabitants; acting withconsideration for the community, world, & everything else.
[61] no money in politics;
[30] end two-party system;
[29] local community control;
[22] consensus-based democracy;
[21] just and fair legal system;
[18] truth in journalism/illegal to lie;
[16] minorities have power & voice (rule bydiversity);
[15] no tax without representation;
[9] a fair electoral system;
[9] accountable government;
[9] democratic process that works for all.
[52] health care emphasizes preventative & alternative measures;
[33] free health care (accessible & state of the art);
[10] full control of our own bodies, incl. sharedownership of the means of preventative health care;
[9] free therapy & emotional/mental health care.
[95] localized economies;
[48] no corporate personhood;
[30] fairness & equality for all beings (including ecosystems, resources);
[26] banks & corporations required to act responsibly,
answering to many, not few;
[19] radicalized labor unions;
[19] international corporate accountability;
[17] fair trade & fair working conditions.
[79] freedom to live anywhere: no borders, nonations;
[19] freedom of knowledge and press;
[16] freedom of religion;
[12] freedom of expression protected;
[9] free, equal access to opportunity.
Derived from the Visioning Activities at the OCCUPY NATIONAL GATHERING Philadelphia, PA July 2012