Sunday, April 21, 2013

Latest on Civil Liberties resolution from Cecil

Subject: Civil Liberties delayed again

I regret to inform you that the Civil Liberties resolution has been held up again due to concerns expressed by law enforcement agencies.
I'll be meeting with the agencies, with City legal, with an asst. City Mgr., in the next two weeks to iron out whatever wrinkle they've discovered.

It will now be on the agenda for the May Public Safety Committee meeting.

It will definitely pass through the PSC when it does come up, as I have Gordon Smith's affirmation that he wants it to go to the full Council.

Best to all,

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Occupy Asheville General Assembly Minutes April 2013

Occupy Asheville General Assembly
April 6 2012
 Jonathan announced OA was starting and read General Agreements
NVDA Training Working Group Will be doing a training for next Saturday  from 9-12 at the Quaker meeting house.  The training is for but others are welcome.  $10 suggested donation.
There will be a GA in Mid April check back for the exact date.
To offer Kathryn $40 as reimbursement for the website for the last 6 months.  Sonny asked if we knew how long Kathryn had been paying for the website, and if she needed to be reimbursed for more than the past 6 months.  Jerry suggested that we offer the reimbursement but give Kathryn the opportunity to donate the cost if she wants.
There was consensus to this proposal.
Note: Krysia said that her son (who is actually in San Francisco) would be willing to manage the website.
Jerry brought up a topic of currency and its connection to (or disconnection from) morality and spirituality.
Sonny encouraged everyone to pay attention to what is happening at the State legislature.  He noted several issues that will impact Asheville and expressed concern about how these issues might result in loss of funds for valuable city services.